Health Care is probably one of the most recession-proof industries in which to be working, and that’s a fine thing for perfusionists. I read an article published just this week which summarized a report by The Princeton Review about the job outlook for college grads in 2009 and beyond. The number of students majoring in healthcare is on the rise (particularly in the areas of nursing and biology, which rank 4th and 5th in popularity). Growth in health care as a chosen major has a great deal to do with the fact that Baby Boomers are retiring and going to need more healthcare, creating a need for more hospital employees.
Perfusionists remain needed. Last week, updated its information about income averages for cardiovascular perfusionists. PayScale is a company based in Seattle which owns the largest database of online employee salary data in the world. Information is available to the public, though the services were designed for HR and hiring managers seeking salary information on positions they retain within their organization. The following charts show the income averages for perfusionists, according to PayScale:

If you’re a perfusionist looking for a job, visit the latest career opportunities at Perfusion Community also offers a employer/perfusionist matching program. Perfusionists may include their resume in a “bank” of professionals. The job list at Perfusion Community is updated numerous times weekly at Finally, Trident Health Resources, Inc. is always looking for a few more experienced perfusionists. Visit Trident at to view employment information.
Ralph E. Jordan
CEO & President
Trident Health Resources, Inc.