Monday, October 27, 2008

What a Week Last Week Was...

The Tampa Rays won (before they lost 2 in a row) in the World Series. The Tampa Bay Bucs also were victorious (before they lost to Dallas...but this was all news from last week). As a die-hard sports fan, these events, alone, might have been enough to make for a great week last week, but then this week came along. (I'm just hoping next week will be a repetition of last week, not this it relates to victory).
Over the last weekend I was sitting out in my lanai (back porch in Florida , for those of you from Loma Linda) returning a few business phone calls. A lady we flew into an area where we have an account decided she wanted to live in a more urban location and would not be coming to work for us. Bummer, she was a great candidate...I was a bit disappointed until... to my pleasant surprise, an emailed resume’ came across my Blackberry. I phoned the applicant, a perfusionist in Texas, who originated from the town where we had the new account. She indicated she was interested in moving back home...hooray!!
After a telephone interview, I was impressed by the candidate and suggested she speak to our Chief and if he thought it would be appropriate and felt that she would be a good candidate that she consider a trip to visit us and meet the administration and surgeons. She was going to get back with me after speaking with our Chief and her boss about getting some time off. She phoned back a little later to say she had a great conversation with our Chief and that he asked her to visit and she received clearance from her boss to take the trip but it had to be today. We were able to make flight arrangements and scheduled a meeting with our staff, the administration and our surgeons and by 5 PM that day, she was on a plane. She was interviewed, saw a case, she loved the people and they loved her. Her references were glowing and we hired her. Hooray! Hooray!

So, one door closes...the good candidate who declined our offer...another door opens. And the week wrapped up in Victory ! I was happy for the well as for the Bucs...and I was delighted we hired a really top notch person for Trident. You know...sometimes you think that if you try hard enough and have hope that good things will happen. And they usually do...however…as you know, it takes a lot of effort.

Just wanted to share with you a brief moment of joy...even with this ridiculous Bail Out and the greed and corruption on Wall Street and Congress...we must keep our faith and hope alive. Do discern and think clearly and rationally about this very important election coming up in less than 10 days. My Dad use to tell me, “Buy only things you can afford...and you are judged by the company you keep...” But then, he was inspired by Jack Kennedy...and he voted for him. He was a Roosevelt Democrat (Great Depression influence) and I was a Goldwater Republican now almost Libertarian...less Government and let the system work as it is suppose to work.

Do we, as a Country and a Society, have an obligation to help our fellow citizens? I think we do and I think it should be up to each of us to do what we can to help those in need. I don't think it's the government's duty to mandate any of us to do that which we can do ourselves on our own volition. That redistribution of the wealth comment made to Joe the Plumber could prove to most of the intuitive hard working citizens of this Country, especially those who own or work for a privately owned business, a harbinger of what we might expect from an Obama Presidency. Yet this young fellow does inspire. I am too old and too cynical and have too much experience to be taken in by the glib arrogance and velvet tongue of a well meaning anti-capitalist, who's far left pronouncements are as disturbing as the whacko nuttiness of the far far right...what a difficult decision for some. Check your heart and your head; be sure of the facts and do not be influenced by the crazy opinions of others...and do not be swayed by the liberal left leaning and unfair 4th Estate...but vote! It will be the most important vote of your lifetime to date... for you, your children and their children.

Ralph Jordan
President & CEO

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