Debra Alpha represents Trident Health Resources, Inc. and it is was with much appreciation and interest that Deb provided me a report of her observations in Fu Wai Hospital’s Cardiovascular Program when she was in Beijing recently. I asked her if I could post her notes at Trident’s blog as I think it would be information quite fascinating to Perfusionists. She agreed and the report is posted herein.
Please feel free to use the comment button for any questions or comments for Debra. Also, you may contact me directly via email.
Many thanks.
Ralph E. Jordan
CEO & President
Fu Wai Hospital in Beijing
I recently had the opportunity to visit a Cardiovascular program in Beijing. What a well maintained machine.
The hospital is 5 floors, 2 of which are CV OR's.
The day begins with the planned schedule reviewed by the perfusion director along with all participating surgeons and residence for the day.
All adult cases are on one floor and the pediatrics on another
The adult floor consists of 8 OR's and 3 separate rooms for the perfusion equipment and disposibles.
Each adults room will see a minimal of 4 cases/day and the 3 pedi rooms will see 4-5/day. These pedi cases are not ASD, VSD or PDA's (these are all done in the cath lab).
This is a teaching hospital as well.
Surgical techinques are not much diff than our US surg. These surg do not all have individual headlights the lighting is minimal at best.
Perfusion equipment:
Jostra and Cobe (Stockert and S3)
Oxygenators (Quadrox foe adults and Terumo RX for the pedis)
No CDI 500 $$$ just as we see in the states
Oxygen analyzer in every circuit
Cell Savers (autolog and the CAT)
Perfusion Disp:
They use what we have access to as well
This facility is as old as any dynasty in Chinese history
All toilets are IN THE FLOOR and toilet paper forget about it TAKE YOUR OWN or use the hands held sprayer.
All OR employees MUST shower before leaving the hospital
There is a room and locker for your shoes you will be wearing their croc type shoes for the rest of the day no socks needed or required. Anytime you pass from a sterile to a non sterile area you change shoes, yes these are shoes that have been wore by others doing the same thing, pick any pair that fits.
Patient rooms, small and most are 2 beds/room no such thing as a smoke free room
yes smoking is allowed in the hallways and lobby
My host Dr. Cun Long was most gracious. I shadowed 3 perf of 3 days.
All Chinese perf MUST be MD's before they train for perfusion and ALL (surg and perf) are equals in every way, they actually discuss the plan of care, WHAT....!!!
NONE OF US...NONE OF US would ever complain about our $$ or working conditions that we are so fortunate to have if this was our life.
Cars and houses are a luxury afforded to only about 10% of the population. Healthcare the same. The other 90% of the population will/may have to see their home to get surgery. This is their reality.
Transportation. bus or subway
Air quality... > 450 daily, mind you in the states anything over 100 we are warned to stay in our homes for health purposes.
All surg and most doctors speak english, outside that forget it.
Will the Olympics be a success? Two weeks will tell. Cyclists and outdoor competitions will be a challenge. The sights in Beijing are truely amazing. Your health will be sacrificed during your visit. So a massage is a necessity to balance the day, $12/hour.
Onto Bangkok where I will be shadowing a CV surg as well.
More later
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